🍟3D Printed Fry Oil, Bluetooth Malware, Bags of Bacon + Unlimited Coffee!
Viruses over Bluetooth? Oh no!
Woah! It’s March 2nd. Looks like we made it through another leap year day.
Did you know that babies born on February 29 are legally born on March 1?
Yeah. I didn’t know either until recently.
Today’s been pretty wild. I got a screw in my tire (I could hear it making a horrible noise) and rushed right over to Discount Tire where I was still covered by my warranty.
Mind you - I just bought these tires. I did not want to buy new ones!
All patched up and good to go - and I didn’t have to pay a dime. 😃
Well, I’ve got a doozy of a message for you today.
🥔3D Printed Fry Oil
You remember those cars that would run on fry oil? The ones that allegedly smell like fries?
Well, there’s a whole new application for fry oil - and it’s honestly kind of crazy.
The University of Toronto lab figured out how to convert fry oil into resin for 3D printers - in order to save money on the more expensive plastic resin.
The resin that the researchers were able to produce, which is also biodegradable, costs 30 cents a litre, which is dramatically less than 3D printer material. “Much of the cost of recycling is the transportation of used oil. Hence, it may be transformative for recycling programs if high value commodities can be manufactured easily from waste cooking oil,” says Simpson. “We hope it will remove the financial barriers making it possible for oil to be reused and recycled.” The newly discovered resin is also part of a sustainable cycle. “As the final prints are biodegradable, the carbon should return to the soil thus closing the carbon loop – plants to oil, oil to plastic, plastic to soil – while avoiding the use of fossil fuels from which conventional plastics are derived. “ Source
It’s pretty amazing. 3D printers are a pretty remarkable invention - and making them environmentally friendly is the next step. Closing the carbon loop (when possible) is an essential part of responsible environmental stewardship.
Read more at the link!
🦠Bluetooth Malware
Viruses are Everywhere! and not just the Coronoa and the Flu.
It seems there’s an unpatched Bluetooth vulnerability that would let Hackers hijack Android phones running old operating systems.
All the attacker needs to do is be situated within the Bluetooth range of your device along with the Bluetooth MAC address to take all the information from your phone. The report released also mentions that this could be a threat if the device is running Android versions lower than 8.0. Source
It just goes to show how incredibly important web security is. Keep your passwords secure, keep your computer + phone updated, and use a VPN when using open WIFI connections.
Poor web security is the equivalent of leaving your house unlocked and garage door open all the time. You wouldn’t do that, would you?
🥓Bags of Bacon + ☕ Unlimited Coffee
Alright - so you work in R&D at a massive US chain of restaurants and you’re trying to figure out how to get a buzz going about your new product.
What can you try? How can you create virality? How can you generate more sales?
These are the type of questions people lose lots of sleep over.
“Give the people what they want. “Invent something the people will want - but don’t know they want yet.”
What do we do? How do we incite the masses to buy products? 🤔
Dunkin’ Donuts has released an interesting product.
It’s literally a bag of bacon.
Seriously - here’s the intro from their blog.
If you’ve ever reached for an afternoon snack and found yourself wildly disappointed, our new Snackin’ Bacon with Sweet Black Pepper seasoning will cure those afternoon blues. Here at Dunkin’, we’ve been working hard to formulate the perfect afternoon pick-me-up and really, what’s better than a bag full of bacon? Source
I certainly don’t know - what is better than a bag of bacon?
Mmmm. Bacon! It’s such a simple and absurd product. I kind of want to try it. I’ll let you know if it’s any good. A lot of websites have been writing about it, so I’m quite curious to see if it becomes popular! At any rate, it does a good job at generating buzz about Dunkin Donuts.
On a separate note - Charli D’amelio showing Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee on TikTok also generates buzz too (and she didn’t get paid for the first Dunkin’ shoutout) https://vm.tiktok.com/boeygY/
Panera is finally releasing their coffee subscription plan. It’s a pretty genius move to get people to come in more often. All the websites and news organizations are talking about it. For 9 bucks I get unlimited drip coffee, iced coffee, and tea? Where do I sign up?
Honestly, this kind of stuff is insanely cheap for them to make. They make it in bulk -but they’re counting on YOU to buy other things when you come in. Pastries. Sandwiches. A whole Panera meal!
Think of this subscription plan as an elaborate lead magnet, designed to get you to spend more money. It’s kind of like getting an unlimited 10% coupon code for a store. You’d buy more if you could always save money, right?
The war for subscription food + drinks has begun!
Read more at the links!
🐙 The Land of Random
Let’s see here . . . what have I got for you this week?
📕 Scribd Swipe Files
Need swipe files for marketing? I strongly encourage you to check out Scribd. There are hundreds of PDF’s all about copywriting, email headlines, and more! More than enough to keep you occupied without spending a fortune on Guru courses.
🧃 Get the Creative Juices Flowing
Once in a while, I find a website that’s just so cool - it makes me wish I could spend hundreds of hours trying to figure out how to build cool stuff. This website has the coolest vibe ever! I’ll give you one hint - water.
🐟⚽ Apparently Fish like soccer
or at least the ones in this video do! 🤣
📺 The Entire Star Wars Saga on DVD
I know - I know. It’s all about streaming now, but hey - you have to admit - it’d be pretty darn cool to own Episodes I-IX on DVD with a super limited edition box set? Maybe that’s the old millennial inside me talking. 🤔